Constantine Village Manager Mark Honeysett called the 4th of July celebration a “success” this year, and presented several suggestions to improve next year’s event at the Constantine Village Council meeting Monday evening (July 15).
Honeysett said the weather was ideal for both the parade and the fireworks.
“I heard some very positive comments but I also heard some good suggestions which I think we should look into next year. The first, probably the one heard most frequently is we should ensure a local organization sell chicken at Riverview Park. Most years it has been worthwhile, and it helps attract a larger crowd for the Citizen of the Year presentation,” he said.Honeysett added the Constantine Masons asked to be involved in the activities, and may consider a chicken sale.
“Other suggestions are to organize a float contest for the parade, and also encourage the band to participate. People who perform the ‘bucket brigade’ duties could dress in patriotic costume to stand out,” he said.
Honeysett told the council a lot of people deserved recognition for their involvement.
“Thanks to coordinators Tammy Kufeldt, Pat Stears and Bev Simmons the parade went flawlessly. The parade could not happen without help from the police department and Marcus Waltke (DPW.) Mark Brown, Gary Mathers, Tammy and Gary Kufeldt, Josh and Nathan LaFluer deserve thanks for doing the bucket brigade. Bruce Harder, with help from Tony Wright, Scott Martin and Willie Harder did fireworks. Pat Weiss and Pat Stears chose the Citizen of the Year. Chief Jim Bedell and Diana Lammott did the lion’s share of work to coordinate the golf fundraisers. Don and Susie Powell, the owners of the St. Joe Valley Golf Club gave us a discount on prizes and gave a donation in addition to providing a fabulous lunch,” Honeysett said.
Honeysett read a list of 22 businesses that sponsored holes for the golf tournament. He said Whispering Pines Mobile Home Park golfers won the event.
“We needed $7,000 to pay for our fireworks and raised that and a little more through various activities. The golf outing alone netted us $3,400,” he said.
He praised the downtown merchant’s group, Brainstormers, for raising $300 raffling a ‘Constantine Cares’ quilt on the 4th of July. The profit was donated to “It’s All About the Uniform,” a fund to help with the purchase of uniforms for the police and fire departments. Midge Bedell, wife of Police Chief Jim Bedell, won the quilt in the raffle. The Bedells donated the quilt to the village, to hang in the council room.
In other council business:
- Police Chief JIm Bedell said the new police cruiser was in use. At a March 18 meeting, the council approved the purchase of a 2013 Chevy Impala from Jim Vetter Chevrolet in Three Rivers at a cost of $21,992.41. In a report, Bedell included a quote for transferring equipment, plus a new cage, etc. of $2,169 and a quote for putting graphics on the new car of $310, additional expenses that would bring the total cost for the new vehicle to $24,471.41. “There are still a few equipment items that are on back order, but the car was substantially ready so it is in service, but will return to the technician to finish the equipment installation once those items are received,” Honeysett said. “We’re working on a little problem adjusting the computer stand, need to put bars in the car, get a push bar, and a couple more things have to be done, but the price was right,” Bedell added.
- DDA director Diana Lammott said National Night Out would be held from 4:30-7:30 p.m. on August 6 at the Little League Field. “The theme has changed from something for children to home protection. A free meal of a hotdog, chips, a cookie and beverage will be served. Door prizes–smoke detectors, first aid kids, flash lights and night lights will be given away,” Lammott said. Chief Jim Bedell added there would be a “silent parade.” “All emergency vehicles will meet at Trinity Church, and go around town with their lights off… tour the town,” he said.
- Honeysett said the DDA contracted with Geek Genius of Kalamazoo to update the village website. He said the basic website is ready, and village employees Marcia Skelton and Diana Lammott were working to update the information. The goal is to have the site fully operational by August 1. The village website is
Honeysett said attorney Scott Smith and engineer Jon Moxey would attend one of the council meetings in August to discuss the progress on the sewer contract. Sewer Ad Hoc committee chair Gary Mathers will ask the council to conduct the business in closed session.
Source: Story and photos contributed by Angie Birdsall.